About Greater Pure Light
Greater Pure Light Missionary Baptist Church’s organization was held on October 31, 1986, at Pure Light Missionary Baptist Church, 5208 Noble, immediately following the ordination services of Pastor Darryl W. Broussard. Those who wanted to witness this great event were invited to assemble in the church’s fellowship hall. A small group who love and have great respect for our Pastor assembled. On this night, Rev. Broussard chose his church officers and auxiliary heads. They were: Church Clerk – Sis. Rose Lewis, Usher Board President – Sis. Dorothy Sloan, Treasurer – Sis. Marilyn Davis-Williams, Pastor’s Aide President – Sis. Jacqueline Lewis and Sunday School Superintendent – Sis. Lillian Mitchell. Although they are no longer with us, they will never be forgotten.
On the following Saturday, a group of us met at our new church to prepare it for the next day. There were members as well as friends present. We assembled in love. The first service for Greater Pure Light was held Sunday, November 2, 1986 on Denmark and Hoffman Streets, at 11: 05 a.m. There were sixty-four people in attendance, including some of the Pastor’s family from out of town. On that day nineteen people received the Right Hand of Fellowship. We did not have a Deacon at that time, so devotion was held by Sis. Dorothy Broussard, Sis. Lillian Mitchell and Sis Charlie Moore. That day it rained…not only on the outside, but on the inside as well; but in spite of the rain, the Lord poured out His Holy Spirit. The Lord’s Supper was also served on that night and our Pastor did something different, as seen many times since – he held Testimonial Services. It was a Spirit Filled Service. Sunday, November 23, 1986 our first Deacon joined in the person of Deacon Charles Sanders. Since then we have ordained numerous Deacons. The first Minister added to the Greater family was Gary Lee Simon. God has been gracious to this family, in that many have become a part of the Kingdom of God.
On Sunday, November 16, 1986, Pastor said we were moving. At that point he did not know where to…but we were leaving. Once our Pastor sets his mind to do something – It Will Be Done!!! Sis. Joyce Johnson and Sis. Joanna Walker found our former location at 8802 Kelburn. On Wednesday, November 19, 1986, following Teacher’s Meeting, a group of us came to inspect our future home. At the suggestion of Sis. Dorothy Broussard, we had prayer on the grounds that night. We knew that with Prayer and God’s guidance and Mercy, we could have a beautiful church home to worship in. We knew that if God be for us, He is more than the whole world against us.
Our first Worship Service at that location was held December 2, 1986. On that day at 3:30 p.m. our Pastor was installed by Pastor Richard Robertson (Faith Missionary Baptist Church). Since then our Church Family has been tremendously blessed by the Lord to a present number of over seven hundred members. We were blessed to build three times at the Kelburn campus. Many have come through the doors of Greater Pure Light. We’ve always been known as a church who has genuine concern for the people of God.
We have since been blessed by the Lord to again move to a new location. We asked The Lord to enlarge our territory; and He did just what we asked Him to do!! Our first Worship Service at our present site was held on Easter Sunday, March 31, 2002. Since that time we have been able to reach out to this community and let them know of the Goodness and the Love of Jesus Christ. Greater is not only an in-house church, we also believe in taking our church out into the community. We have numerous ministries. We label Greater as a church the whole family can agree on. In 2004, we began our Tribe Ministry, which has helped us to get to know each other, not only as church members, but as family. Our Pastor is a visionary. We, as parishioners see his vision and we will one day make it become a reality. Greater has suffered the passing of many of our members. We are confident that they now rest from their labors on this earth. Through the teaching and preaching ministry of Greater, many lives have changed for the better. We always want to be the church where God is. There is never a boring or dull service in this fellowship. To God be the glory.
We have been blessed, and by the grace of God, we have come a long, long way!!! With His help, we know we will continue to strive for excellence. Through this ministry, God has birth six churches (Pastor James Doomes and Reunion MBC, Pastor Travis Moore and Seed of Faith Ministries, Pastor Robert Bailey Jr. and Greater New Hope Church, Pastor Pervis Hall and Fellowship Church and Pastor Marcus Whittaker and The Life Church) and Pastor Derrick Martin and Connection Of Divinity. We currently have eleven Ministers and ten Deacons on staff. We take the credit for nothing. All the glory belongs to Almighty God.
Dr. Darryl W. Broussard,